Week of March 1 The Electromagnetic Spectrum

This Week’s Lesson

Electromagnetic Spectrum PowerPoint

Class Discussion

The Electromagnetic Spectrum is the entire range of wavelengths that are found in the solar radiation that reaches the earth from the sun.  It consists of many different sizes of waves (wavelengths) that represent different energy levels in the waves.  There are three basic kinds of electromagnetic waves:

Infrared WavesLonger than the red wavelengths

– low energy

Visible Lightthe waves of radiation that we can see


Ultraviolet RadiationShorter than violet wavelengths

– high energy


3 thoughts on “Week of March 1 The Electromagnetic Spectrum

  1. Greetings,
    I would like permission to use the EM Chart on your site. It’s for a book that will be published this fall.

    I would need the complete information to properly cite the reference, as well as a jpeg file.

    My contact information is:

    Julie Garro

    Thank you kindly,

    Julie Garro

  2. Thank you for the comment. I appreciate that you took a look at our classroom webpage! I found the graphic online thru an image search, at the following URL:


    It is a site that was developed through an educational collaboration with Twin Cities School District and the Laboratory for Computational Science and Engineering (LCSE) at the University of Minnesota. If you hit “HOME” on the lower links of this site you can get additional information.

    Hope this helps!

    Bob Ruggiero
    Bourne Middle School
    Bourne, MA

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